About Us

Move from anxiety & stress to confidence

The reality & “busy”-ness of modern life can weigh us down. It can stop us living our best lives with the people we love. Although money itself doesn’t make you happy, it sure can feel overwhelming when things aren’t going well.

The good news is that everyone can learn to manage money better and when you do, you’ll have more money & less stress.

Taking control & building wealth is an intentional act. By looking forward & working a plan to control your variables you can Win with Money.

Read About

Sloan Wilkins

AGSM Executive MBA

When I was 12 years old, I found out what financial devastation feels like.

Life had been pretty good, but it all fell apart.
We lost our business, our place in the community, & our family home.

Bearing those financial scars, I worked hard to achieve my own success in life.
But as my income multiplied, apparently so did my capacity to make Money Mistakes.

Outwardly it looked fine, but secretly I had way too much debt, I was embarrassed, & only ever one pay cycle away from real trouble.

With a change in behaviour & the right plan, I cleared debt, sorted myself financially & built wealth through making smarter & more intentional decisions.  That sense of pride & financial confidence feels great.  Looking back however, I know with the right guidance, I could have done it even earlier & easier.

I’m grateful for my experiences in life, they’ve delivered the lessons I needed, & given me the humility, compassion, & competency to serve others. 

Sloan Wilkins
Sloan Wilkins
Everyone can learn to manage money better & when you do, you’ll have more money & less financial stress.